
Tight lines and easy release

  • Other species
  • Rays & Skates
  • Sharks
Years funded
  • 2010, 2012, 2013
  • Archived
Project type
  • Education

Betty works with recreational anglers in Florida who accidentally hook sharks and rays while fishing for dinner. She teaches them the best ways to release these animals without harming them.

Tight lines and easy release

Betty Bauman

Project leader
About the project leader

I learned to love fish as a child at my home in Pennsylvania in the USA, where we had a fish pond. We realised from early on that if we released our fish, they would be more likely to thrive and reproduce. My business ventures brought me to Florida, working as the marketing manager for large boat companies, and it was here that I learned about saltwater fishing.

I launched my marine industry marketing firm MetroMedia Marketing, which specialises in the fishing sector, and subsequently partnered with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to produce a series of ‘Ladies, Let’s...

Project details

Shark, ray and fish release campaign

Key objective

To increase awareness of why and how to release sharks, rays and other fish, and provide educational materials for easy-release techniques.

Why is this important

Anglers need to be educated about conservation as well as why and how to release fish properly, especially sharks, rays and other species at risk. In this way, they can be enabled to serve as ambassadors for the conservation cause.

The aim of this project is to convert anglers’ inital opinion of sharks, rays and other species that should be released to one where they have a greater understanding of why they should be released properly and given the best chance of survival.


Project Leader Betty Bauman has spent more then 30 years networking in the marine and fishing industries to develop relationships with strategic partners who can extend this message to hundreds of thousands of anglers. Betty has always promoted conservation to people entering the fishing industry – a time when they are still learning and impressionable. To motivate these new users of ocean resources to understand and practice conservation, the curriculum features release techniques, marine stewardship, fish biology and conservation. This has helped to creare a market ripe for implementing conservation behaviours and projects. Her reach extends beyond the people she interacts with directly due to the allies she has engaged in the project.

Aims & objectives
  • The primary objective is to educate anglers and increase awareness of easy-release techniques for sharks and other fish. Programmes are publicised by the home office via the website and publicity campaigns.
  • Develop printed materials directing people to a website showing why and how to safely release unwanted catch.
  • Distribute educational material to places anglers frequent around coastal Florida.
  • Produce and distribute two or three videos on how to release fish properly.