
Small Grants



Application window (online form):

Stage I: CLOSED. Will open again in May 2025.
Stage II: if your stage I application is successful,  you will will be invited to submit your stage II application in August 2024.

The Small Grant is designed for short (12- to 18-months) and small projects (grants average US$5,000) dedicated to early career scientists (within five years of a degree being awarded). Aimed at original and innovative start-up projects, the grant presents early career scientists, conservationists or educators with an opportunity to prove themselves. It targets local projects conducted by local project leaders. Whether or not the project is part of a larger endeavour, SOSF Small Grants are for specific and finite projects. Only projects concerned with marine chondrichthyan species (sharks, rays, skates, sawfishes and chimaeras) will be considered.


Application process

  1. The Small Grant application process consists of a two-stage online application: Stage I involves completing a short online form, equivalent to two pages. Stage II, by invitation only based on the Stage I application, will involve the completion of a longer and more detailed online form, equivalent to a maximum of 10 pages.
  2. Funding is awarded for only one financial year. The SOSF will consider small grant applications that, inter alia, aim to undertake the preliminary investigations necessary before a larger, longer-term project can be developed.
  3. Successful applicants for small project grants, including scoping projects, can be awarded maximum 2 small grants and are not eligible to submit a Small Grant application the following year. Nevertheless they are not excluded from submitting a Keystone Grant application.
  4. Only one application will be accepted from any one applicant.
  5. All applications will be reviewed by the SOSF scientific committee and require final approval from the Foundation’s Board of Directors.

Please read the funding guidelines carefully.

Application guidelines [PDF]
Budget template [Excel]

You have more questions? please check the grant FAQ page.