World of Sharks
Welcome to World of Sharks
The world belonged to sharks well before it belonged to people, dinosaurs or even trees. Sharks have roamed our oceans for more than 400 million years. They have lived through five mass extinctions, including the one that killed the dinosaurs.
Yet sharks and rays remain enigmatic. We have so much to learn about these magnificent, often misunderstood creatures. World of Sharks aims to answer any burning questions that you may have about sharks and rays, and at the same time spark your curiosity and inspire you to learn more about these fascinating creatures.
Today there are over 500 known species of shark and more than 600 species of ray – and 36% of them are listed as THREATENED with extinction. Now more than ever before, they need our help.
‘In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught.’
—Baba Dioum
Fact Files
The Five Threats
Interactive Sharks
Latest Podcast

Save Our Seas Foundation
Rue Philippe Plantamour 20
CH-1201 Geneva
[email protected]