
Art for conservation e-book

Bouteille à la Mer 2120, Te Ao Māori  is an art installation that was launched in 2014 in Tapei. The Museum of Natural History of Geneva is its 12th and most recent international visit. The installation expresses George Nuku’s Māori vision of climate change which will manifest itself in 2120.

This educational e-book was created as an educational tool to complement the Bouteille à la Mer 2120, Te Ao Māori exhibition at the Museum of Natural History in Geneva. To find out more go to:

Download the English e-book here

Cliquez ici pour télécharger le livre électronique en français

Te Ao Māori Bouteille à la Mer 2120 Educational e-book for teachers. © Museum of Natural History

Authors: Christiane Kurth with the participation of the Save Our Seas Foundation, the Oceaneye Association and the Race for Water Foundation

Layout/illustration: Elise Gaud de Buck

Pictures: Philippe Wagneur, Christopher Vaughan-Jones, Michael Sholl, Peter Charaf

Proofreading:  Corinne Charvet and Hervé Groscarret

Commissaire d’exposition: George Nuku

© Museum of Natural History 2020