Project news

The BBC One Show films Project Basking Shark

By Cat Gordon, 22nd August 2009

We had the BBC One Show film team for their yearly update on Scottish basking sharks with us last week and they are great to work with. They had the most amazing luck as the weather forecast was for force 7 at times, yet we not only found a number of basking sharks but the sun came out as well. Mauvis’s MSc student Holly Allan was with us to see the sharks and to learn how to take photo-id shots, having spent several months going through our photo-id catalogue looking for matches of the dorsal fins over time. Rupert found the decisive sharks for the sunny part of the filming, handling our boat Fairy Tern well in the rough waters. Nephew Austin was on board, not sure what to make of it all. SOSF’s Dan Beecham is coming up to film and is undecided about the cat Smudge that will be accompanying us on our surveys for basking shark next week.

The One Show crew during the filming of the show.

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