Ocean acidification – also known as the other CO2 problem – is now affecting the ecosystems of the Mediterranean. The scientific project MedSeA (Mediterranean Sea Acidification in a changing climate), funded by the European Community, has been studying the impacts of the phenomenon throughout the Mediterranean region for the past three and a half years, and the Save Our Seas Foundation has generously supported fieldwork costs at volcanic seep sites to show what can and can’t survive as ocean acidification kicks in.
Testing the Waters is a short documentary designed to reach the widest audience possible to raise awareness of dangers stemming from ocean acidification and warming. Aquaculture, the tourism and leisure industries, and the whole economy for a large part of Europe’s coastline and population are threatened by these stresses.
Testing the Waters was produced during the course of six months between January and June of 2014, and is based on interviews with SOSF project leader Jason Hall-Spencer and other scientists.
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