Ocean News

Feedback from the public

23rd July 2009

A letter we received from a parent commending us on our good work!

Dear Verona Thank you so very much for a very polished, professional, organised, enlightening and entertaining three hours. Julia had the most incredible time and has learned so much. Thank you for your personal input into Julia – it is much appreciated. We came home and she had to watch the DVD I bought and colour in her picture. She couldn’t wait to tell her father about her incredible experience. She also spent the afternoon singing, Save the planet and save our seas and save our sharks and don’t pollute and the she said to me – mom what does pollute mean. So thank you for making my daughter take note and think about our wonderful King of the Sea! She arranged her shells neatly on the table from her scout in the rock pools. I am so proud of you, Leslie and Charmaine – for your passion in life for such a noble cause and for running such a professional outfit! Major respect!! And keep up the incredible work! Love and best wishes Arlene Gippert