Ocean News

The Shark Lullaby

10th September 2009

Shark Lullaby

Click on this arrow to hear The Shark Lullaby, the first recorded song for our upcoming Riddle Solvers episode: The Shark Riddle.

We are very excited about working on a program about sharks with the Save Our Seas Foundation. And we plan to make a shark program like none you have ever seen . . . with magic, mystery, shark lullabies, singing sea lions, shark dentists and more.

I wrote this song while Robert was away at the BLUE Ocean Film Festival, and then I recorded it at Audiowells in Portland, Oregon. I am singing and playing the piano, but we hired an amazing cello player to add some string accompaniment.

This song is entitled The Shark Lullaby and will be used in a way that introduces the idea that sharks are extremely diverse – different sizes, different shapes, different colors . . . This song is just a demo, so there may be some changes to come, but we wanted to share it with you anyway. Get ready for sweet, shark-infested dreams.