Ocean News

Tee in the Sea

20th January 2010

Enjoy a spot of golf whilst relaxing by the coast, or relish the swing from a boat deck? Ever lost the odd ball to the inky depths of the ocean in the process? Although it may seem inocuous, every stray golf ball out in the blue contributes to the considerable issue of plastic pollution.

Plastic debris, such as golf balls, does not usually biodegrade; instead it simply breaks up into ever smaller pieces. Even if it does degrade then its decomposition can release toxic chemicals into the marine environment. Much of the world’s plastic waste deposited in the oceans has become trapped in the North Pacific by swirling currents, covering an area reported to be more than double the size of Texas, forming what is now called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Plastic flotsam is particularly hazardous to marine life, jeopordising the survival of many species. Floating plastic can block animals’ airways, their gills, feeding apparatus, digestion and even poison them, with in excess of one million seabird deaths and over one hundred thousand marine mammal deaths attributed to plastic waste every year.

So… how can you continue to enjoy golf without the worry of plastic pollution when you lose a ball at sea?

Use the new EcoBioBall! It’s a golf ball that biodegrages completely within 48 hours without even releasing any toxins. Not only that, it also contains fish food!

Plastic pollution is a major threat to the oceans, and every little really does help. No gurantee it will lower the handicap though…