Ocean News

Shark Diversity in Southern Africa

16th July 2009

Heterodontus Galeatus – Crested Bull Head Shark

Dr. Leonard Campagno presented his lecture titled Shark Diversity of Southern Africa on 7 July 2009. This talk was very well received and engendered much discussion afterwards. Most people think that sharks are, either grey, blue/grey or brown. This talk highlights just how diverse sharks are: they come in different shapes and seizes and they have amazing patterns and magnificent colours, ranging from blues, to turquoises, reds, yellows, blacks and browns. We invite you to experience the diversity of sharks by visiting the centre. We have showcased sharks in various ways: artworks, sculptures, fabrics, furniture prints and designs. We currently have two beautiful sharks in our tank: Leila, a puffadder shyshark, named when she was still in a shark egg (maiden’s purse) after Leila, a nine year old girl from Johannesburg; and our new addition is a bamboo shark, yet unnamed.