While it may seem like we’ve gone off the deep end, this isn’t quite the case. It’s just that two of our sponsored projects have been particularly productive: podcasters extraordinaire Naked Oceans have launched a new episode just in time for Valentine’s Day titled, aptly enough, "Sex on the Sea Bed", delving into the various vagaries and difficulties of undersea reproduction. How do marine creatures manage to track down mates in the enormous ocean? What happens if they are stuck firmly in place on the seafloor? Are prolific jellyfish really going to take over the oceans? The answers are just a click away.
Not to be outdone, Sisbro Studios have updated their project blog with an unlikely tribute song to the great white shark… sung by sea lions. Apparently both very aware and content with their place in the marine food chain, they sing the praises of one of the ocean’s top predators. The song is from Sisbro’s upcoming film The Shark Riddle, co-produced by Save Our Seas Foundation.