Ocean News

Read our review over 2011!

5th April 2012

This whole year has been an extraordinary adventure for both of us.

We have the privilege of being the CEOs of a very special organization. When we started working for the Save Our Seas Foundation in January, we hardly knew what to expect. Of course we had read about the Foundation’s conservation projects, but we only discovered its true power, the Save Our Seas dedicated project leaders, during the past year. Working all over the world, on high seas and dark jungle shores, in rain, snow and under the intense tropical sun, they never give up. They dedicate their lives to saving the creatures in the oceans of our world. Some of them tag sharks, others manta rays, and one of them even tags baby turtles! Others do laboratory research, examining samples to determine the genetic origin of species.

Many project leaders educate the general public and teach others about their love for the sea. At Save Our Seas, we realize that people only protect and care about what they know, understand and love.

This review will inform you about the Foundation and its many great projects in 2011. But we also have the privilege of presenting you with some of the project leaders’ personal stories. Their stories tell us why and how they do this work. All have one thing in common: they work for mankind.

For you and for me, for all the people living on our magnificent blue planet. And for the love of our oceans and all the creatures living in them. To Save Our Seas.

You can read or download the review at:

Peter Verhoog and Georgina Wiersma