Project Leader

Daniel Montgomery

Daniel Montgomery

Who I am

My interest in marine life and fish began early during fishing trips with my dad during family holidays around the UK and to the Indian Ocean, as well as through watching nature documentaries on the BBC. This interest led me to complete an undergraduate degree in marine biology at Newcastle University in the north-east of England. During my degree I looked for opportunities to volunteer on research projects involving sharks and rays, which fortunately led me to complete my undergraduate and Master’s research at the Cape Eleuthera Institute in The Bahamas, where I investigated the environmental physiology of lemon sharks and stingrays. Since completing my Master’s degree I have focused on exploring the eco-physiology of bony fish in response to the environment in both my PhD (at the University of Exeter) and postdoctoral research (at the University of British Columbia) to better understand why fish live where they do and how to better manage and conserve populations. I am now looking to use my eco-physiology background to help understand the movements of endangered sharks and rays around the UK.

Where I work

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher with Project SIARC and the Institute of Zoology at the Zoological Society of London. Project SIARC seeks to catalyse links between fishers, researchers, communities and government to collaborate and safeguard sharks and rays in coastal ecosystems of Wales.

What I do

My work currently involves investigating the movements of the Critically Endangered tope shark in shallow coastal areas around the Pen Llŷn a’r Sarnau Special Area of Conservation (PLAS SAC) in Wales. This work involves collaborating with local recreational and charter fishers to understand where and when tope are located within PLAS SAC. In addition, we work with local fishers to catch and tag tope with acoustic transmitters to track movements of tope sharks within a network of underwater receivers in the area of conservation. When I am not working in the field in Wales I am collaborating with other members of Project SIARC to engage with local communities and inspire people to get involved with shark conservation.

My project

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