Ocean News

Octopussy goes viral!

8th October 2012

Last month, Save Our Seas launched a media campaign about the BRUV project in False Bay (read more at here). This project is executed by Project leaders Colin Attwood, Albrecht Götz and Lauren de Vos. Partners are The Marine Research Institute, UCT & South African Environmental Observation Netwok (SAEON). It is funded by Save Our Seas.

The Save Our Seas Media Team, consisting of Georgina Wiersma, Stefan Κubicki and Christopher Neff, will launch a special campaign each month. The BRUV project was the first featured project. Lauren De Vos made several great videos of the BRUVs in action, one of them with an octopus trying to open a bait container, and fending off a shark. This video went viral. It was featured by countless media, a.o. Discovery, BBC and CNN and NBC! Lauren was interviewed for the South African television.

BRUVs in False Bay

BRUVs in False Bay

Read all blog entries and watch the videos for this great project at /project/bruvs-in-false-bay