Ocean News

Have you already joined Hugh’s Fish Fight?

30th November 2011

Half of all fish caught in the North Sea are thrown back overboard… dead.

Six months ago, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall left the comfort of River Cottage behind, and went on a journey to find out what was really going on at the industrial end of our fisheries. What he found was that things are not just bad … They’re mad.

"I have been travelling around the UK meeting fishermen, marine conservationists, politicians, supermarkets bosses, and of course fish-eating members of the public," says Hugh.

“The experience, and how it changed the way I think about fish were shown in Hugh’s Fish Fight as part of Channel 4’s Big Fish Fight.” Watch all three programmes on 4oD.

Hugh learnt that half the fish caught in the North Sea are being thrown back into the sea, dead, because of crazy EU laws.

So, he launched a campaign ‘Hugh’s Fish Fight’ to try to change those laws and was supported by a wide coalition of environmental Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and, we hope, by a growing number of fishermen and policy makers too.

This website, fishfight.net is the campaign hub accompanying Hugh’s Fish Fight, you can also follow the progress of Hugh’s Fish Fight on Facebook and Twitter.

Read all about Hugh’s Fish FIight at the website, and do not forget to sign up. Your support is still very much needed!