Ocean News

Friday Already – No Way!

28th March 2008

I can’t believe that it’s Friday, when I woke up yesterday morning I was really sure that it was Tuesday!!

Things are moving into a higher gear at the SOSSC, work that has had the appearance of a pile of rubble for about two weeks, appeared as an actual bathroom this morning (without running water yet), but it does definitely look like a bathroom!

This is actually the boardroom serving as the temporary workshop for the second floor.

The Technical Area for the SOS Dive Team’s equipment storage and maintenance is due for completion tomorrow morning with the final installation of the lighting and power plugs. The two specially designed fold down workbenches will allow the maximum utilisation of the area and there is now dedicated shelf and racking space for all of the team’s filming and diving equipment.

Our Video Editing Suite is very close to having it’s fixtures, fittings and final electrical reticulation installed to await the installation of the actual video editing system.

Dr Compagno’s office is taking shape very well and the entrance hall area is about to be "FINALLY" painted!

My team at the centre is truly amazing (including our designers, artists, builders, painters and all round volunteers) and they all have the most unbelievable patience with me.

Either that, or I have scared the life out of them!! (What, Me…Scary…NEVER!!)

How they handle my insistence on everything being just so, absolutely correct and completely perfect astounds me more and more every day!

This week we were surprised with our first commissioned artwork being delivered. It is truly quite beautiful, tranquil and will hang proudly for many years to come in it’s special place in the Centre.

TA DAAAA!!! Our first commissioned painting!!

Right now I need some very serious sleep and some food, yes food…that’s a novel idea..sleep and food. Mmmm.