Ocean News

“Elle’s” Last Day at the Aquarium

28th February 2008

On Tuesday morning, Lesley kindly invited the SOSSC staff to join her at the Two Oceans Aquarium to watch while "Elle" the raggedtooth shark was taken out of the I&J Predator Exhibit and placed into her holding pool on the roof of the aquarium, awaiting her release back into the ocean in two weeks time. Elle’s release is part of the Save Our Seas Foundation (SOSF) M-Sea Programme, an AfriOceans Conservation initiative, sponsored by SOSF.

A fantastic time was had by everyone, and we came back to Kalk Bay filled with renewed energy, and focus on the tasks ahead.

"Elle" is a truly magnificent lady, Verona,
Matheus and Lesley’s daughter (Tamera) all helped to calm her in the transit tank.

Lesley of course, is not just a bundle of driving energy and a pretty face, but proves that she is a real down to earth "tuffy" as she assisted in carrying "Elle" from the transit tank to her holding pool.

(left to right) Neil Hermann- Videographer, Mathew Nahole- SOSSC, Verona Smith- SOSSC, Phil Parr – Underwater Videographer, Lesley Rochat and Jan de Bruyn.

To find out more about Elle’s release go to http://www.aoca.org.za/