Ocean News

Brazilian Film Crew Visit the Centre

10th March 2009

Today I was interviewed by a film crew from Brazil who are assisting Sea Shepherd, Brazil with a campaign film they are making to raise awareness about the need to conserve the sharks of Brazil. According to Ana Paula and her husband Tony, there are practically no sharks left and people continue to see them as vermin, creatures to be feared, loathed and slaughtered. These passionate film makers, along with their assistant cameraman, Jesse, are funding their trip to South Africa and gathering footage they hope will assist in raising awareness about sharks, and help in dispelling the myths that perpetuate and which are contributing toward the demise of sharks. I wish them well and hope the little I shared with them today the work we are doing at the Save Our Seas Shark Centre, and my hope for all to take action, no matter how small, will help them get their message out there…