Ocean News

Building begins and birds relocate!

2nd February 2008

The builders started this week with the donation store alterations. In order to put the roof on we had to relocate a pigeon who has 2 chicks – we feared she would not like the new little home we built her and abandon her chicks, but fortunately when we last checked she was with them! And that’s the building as it really is with no signage or sculpture yet…

Then to give you more of an idea of what we are striving for, a little about our mission for the makeover:
-Transform the interior of the Centre in such a way that it echoes our mission statement: Rethink the Shark.
-To provide a Rethink the Shark experience for both those working or visiting the Centre.
-Stimulate an awareness and a wonderment of the diverse beauty of sharks by incorporating them into ones lifestyle.
-Become the example of an eco-friendly working and living environment.
-Provide opportunity & become the showcase for local artists & designers.
-Provide opportunity for sponsors to be associated with this unique, meaningful and high profile initiative.
-Designs reflect attributes of sharks and elicit a mind-altering experience
-The Centre engages all of your senses and takes you on a journey of discovery, challenging your perceptions of sharks and their environment.
-Sensitivity toward environmental impact of all products in choice and design.
-Overall the Save Our Seas Shark Centre is a visible reminder of the importance of the shark in our ecosystem and thus the survival of mankind.

Till later, Lesley