
Our team

Karen Merrett

Karen Merrett

Education Co-ordinator

For as long as Karen can remember, she has felt happiest connecting with the natural world and sharing that excitement with those around her. Born and raised in Cape Town – and still living there – she was privileged to explore various habitats, from mountain peaks to the world below the ocean’s surface and everything in between.

Her interest in environmental education was ignited while studying nature conservation and gaining work experience as a student at Blaauwberg Nature Reserve. During this time, she discovered how the simple act of sharing her knowledge and excitement was infectious to those around her. After eight years of working across Cape Town in this field, it is safe to say the flame is still burning brightly. Karen continues to be inspired by witnessing over and over again the power of providing safe spaces in which people can develop and strengthen their own relationships with the natural world.

Although Karen has always found the marine environment fascinating and full of wonder, it was only as an adult that she took the plunge to expand her exploration beyond the rocky and sandy shores. Taking up snorkelling as a hobby enabled her to view the treasure trove of life beneath the surface through her lens and solidify her relationship with the underwater realm.