
Shark Centre gets involved for Mandela Day

18th July 2012

The staff at the Save Our Seas Shark Centre headed on down to Masiphumelele today, to give our 67min of goodwill for Mandela Day.

Doreen Zanyiwe who runs the creche iKhaya Labantwana, and her class of 24 kids aged 5-7yrs, eagerly awaited our arrival. The sunny winter skies set the perfect scene for a day such as today and provided a happy atmosphere in which to share knowledge and kindness. The Shark Centre’s Zanele Mayiya, otherwise known as ‘Madame Z’, took the lead in chatting to the children about sharks and marine life, of which we were astounded as to how much they already knew about our underwater world! We entertained them with a short kiddies film, and left them with reading books and activity packs which their teachers will introduce into their lessons in the coming days.

Happy Birthday tata Madiba! And a very big thanks to Doreen for allowing the Save Our Seas to spend some time with the children today.

About to show the kiddies marine film

About to show the kiddies marine film

An excited class eager to learn more

An excited class eager to learn more

Zanele 'Madame Z' educating the children on sharks and marine life

Zanele ‘Madame Z’ educating the children on sharks and marine life

The children receive their book and activity packs donated by the Save Our Seas Foundation

The children receive their book and activity packs donated by the Save Our Seas Foundation

Questions for 'Madame Z', an interactive session

Questions for ‘Madame Z’, an interactive session

The kids loving their new books

The kids loving their new books