
Appreciating Nature

18th February 2016

Words by Zanele Mayiya

Appreciating the beauty of nature

We live on the most beautiful planet Earth, which has very clean and attractive nature. Nature provides us with a variety of beautiful flowers, sea, attractive birds, animals, blue sky, land, forests, mountains and many more things. “We should appreciate the nature around us because it is a most precious gift given to us to enjoy but not to harm”.  Nature is essential for us to live a healthy life, so we should keep it clean and conserve it for future generations!

(isiXhosa version)

Ukuvuyela ubuhle bendalo

Sihlala kwi Hlabathi elinendalo ecocekileyo elikwanawo nomtsalane. Indalo yethu isinika imixube yezinto ezifana neentyatyambo ezintle, i Lwandle, iintaka ezinomtsalane,izilwanyana, isibhakabhaka , umhlaba, amahlathi, iintaba nezinye izinto ezininzi. “ Kufanele siyonwabele indalo esingqongileyo ngoba sesona sipho sisinikiweyo ukuba sisonwabele futhi sisinakekele. Indalo ibalulekile kwimpilo zobom bethu kungako kufanele siyigcine icocekile, siyongele isizukulwana esizayo!