Project Leader

Victor Gautier

Victor Gautier

Who I am

I would say that I’m a very passionate person, optimistic and full of ideas. I am ready to dedicate my life to contribute to the preservation of the environment and the fight against global warming. My interests are multiple, from the study of coral reefs, to the functioning of marine protected areas to the sequestration of atmospheric CO2 by algae. What these things all have in common is that they are all linked to the ocean, to scientific advances and to the enthusiasm I always present in order to realize my projects. Since I was young, and while I was living several hours away from the coast, I was fascinated by the underwater life which pushed me to start scuba diving where I made my first dives in the Mediterranean with the club of my city. My passion for scuba diving increased when I moved to Biarritz where my relationship with the ocean became a major part of my life. I can’t imagine a life in which I aren’t living by the ocean orin a field of study that doesn’t help in its protection.

Where I work

After obtaining a scientific baccalaureate in the coastal city of Biarritz, I started my higher education with a degree in marine biology at the University of La Rochelle. After a gap year dedicated to discovering the world and working on different projects, I continued my studies with the international master of marine biology at the University of Algarve, based in Faro in southern Portugal. It is in this context that I am doing my master thesis with the D’Arros Research Centre.

What I do

In the work and research I do, I am to develop my versatility which I think is one of the keys of an accomplished scientist. In this project, the aim is to further my skills by exploring the application of structure-from-motion photogrammetric techniques in order to assess coral reef health and drivers of variation in reef status.

My project

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