Seychelles News

Enter the D’Arros Experience competition

3rd July 2024

Secure your spot in the next D’Arros Experience 2025!

“If the ocean was a person, how would it describe or present itself?”


The Save Our Seas Foundation (SOSF) is launching its next D’Arros Experience competition open to all Seychelles residents aged 10-14 years. The Prize? Participating in a one-week educational camp on D’Arros Island in the Amirantes group. A total of 16 winners will be selected for participation in the program in 2025.

Participants in the water with a juvenile hawksbill turtle. Photo by Dillys Pouponeau | © Save Our Seas Foundation

What is the D’Arros Experience
The D’Arros Experience, initiated by the SOSF and its D’Arros Research Centre (SOSF-DRC), aims to engage young Seychellois on the importance of the ecosystems that form part of their national heritage while providing practical, hands-on field experience in a globally important ecological hotspot. The D’Arros Experience is an important component of SOSF’s worldwide mission to promote environmental education and outreach. The idea is to provide students with a clear understanding of how ecosystems, from the coast to the deeper ocean, function and are connected.

Find out more by watching a short trailer of the D’Arros Experience below:

What is the competition?

The contestant is required to submit an explanation of how the ocean would talk about its characteristics or describe itself though one of five different entry options below. The two main criteria are that participants show originality and creativity. This competition offers the participant an opportunity to showcase the challenges that the ocean encounters on a national and global scale.

a) The participant must show creativity around the personalization of the ocean
b) Underscore the risks endangering our oceans and the calls for assistance from the marine environment in addressing these issues.

Entry options:

  • Poetry – word limit between 80-100 words
  • Essay writing – word limit between 300-500 words
  • Drawing – accompanied by a small summary explaining what your work is showcasing (50-100 words max)
  • 3D Art piece – accompanied by a small summary explaining what your art piece is showcasing (50-100 words max)
  • Video – must be between 2-3 mins max

An afternoon session of gill-netting for baby sharks in St Joseph Atoll. Photo by Luke Saddler | © Save Our Seas Foundation

How to apply?

To apply, download the competition guidelines and read the rules and regulations here. You can also fill out the application form directly online, or download here.

Intrigued participants in a little scientist session during the D’Arrros Experience. Photo by Terence Vel | © Save Our Seas Foundation

Submissions are accepted until Friday 20th September 2024 (23:59 GMT+4). Submissions can be uploaded directly into the google form or can be sent to with the completed and signed application form.

For those unable to send in digital versions or copies of submissions to the above email address or phone number, there is the option to hand in hard copies at the Ministry of Education. Please address these to Lynndina Essack, Competition D’Arros Experience 2025, Ministry of Education, Mont Fleuri.

Competition documents:

SOSF D’Arros Experience 2025 Competition Guidelines-Rules-Regulation

SOSF D’Arros Experience 2025 Application Form

Fun afternoon where the kids demonstrated their confidence in the water. Photo by Luke Saddler | © Save Our Seas Foundation